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As long as we sail, we continue to learn.  The Trial and Error learning model works, but tends to involve significant amounts of frustration, loss of quality sailing time, and, sometimes, substantial risk.

We take the position that helping our peers improve their sailing learning curve will result in more enjoyable, more confident experiences on the water and happier sailors with whom we can share our passion for the sport.

Lake Murray Sailing Club helps new sailors through a process of mentoring.  Instead of the “Coach and Bullhorn” model, with many students and a single coach, our programs rely on experienced member volunteers who agree to share their hard won expertise to provide one-on-one or semi-private coaching on-the-water.

Learning opportunities opportunities include:

Sailing for Fun – (Available to non-members) Designed for the would be sailor who wants to experience his or her First Sail.  Participants can learn a few basic sailing skills or just enjoy the ride.

Coaching and Mentoring – For the LMSC member who wants to build the basic skills necessary to sail any boat safely, in control, and with confidence.


From time to time, seminars and clinics are organized based on need, demand, and availbility of coaching talent.  Seminars and clinics may include  on-the-water safety, race management, navigation, boat and engine maintenance and the the like are announced, posted on our event calendar, and made available to interested members.

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      Images for the new dock are HERE

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   NOAA Flotilla Island
   USGS at the Dam